Farmington Community Church Staff

Matthew Finch
Pastor Matthew Finch comes to Farmington from way of Hemlock, New York, where he served as Pastor to both Hemlock and Naples churches. Pastor Matthew strives to deliver sermons and messages that are rooted in scripture and allows for people to apply it to their lives for today. With his wife Anne, who is a Physician Assistant at Thompson Hospital, they have four boys Joshua, Kieran, Gabriel, and Sebastian. Along with serving as a pastor in ministry to the LORD, Pastor Matt helps people with addictions, likes to play golf and is a certified Girls Basketball Official for Section 5. One of Pastor Matt’s favorite scriptures is Amos 4:13 He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals His thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth— the LORD God Almighty is his name.
Pastor Matt looks forward to meeting and is just a phone call away.

Freeman Fessler
Office Manager

Paul Raduns
Music Director
Paul is responsible for our Praise band. He leads worship with the band, plans music for our services, leads rehearsals, and manages the band participants. Paul is married to Kim and they have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. In addition to music, Paul enjoys playing on the church softball team, jogging, and home improvement projects.

Joey Norsen
Small Groups Director

Kevin Smith
Youth Director
Kevin has served as a youth leader at FCC since 2016, and has now stepped into the Directors position. He is currently planning/ running events, meetings, and weekly groups. Kevin has a passion for helping teens and young adults learn about Jesus, and making the personal commitment to serving Him.

Karen Boot
Children's Director
Karen has led our Kid’s Ministry since 2012. In addition to recruiting, training and supporting teachers in our Christian Ed classes, Karen plans special family events throughout the year and is passionate about making sure kids develop a strong foundation in their faith, have opportunities to serve and make meaningful connections with their church family.

Kim Raduns
Guest Connector/Serving Coordinator

Amanda Smith
Nursery Director
“I am passionate about this role because it allows me to serve God and the youngest members of our congregation.”
She is from West Virginia and moved to New York in 2008. She is happily married to Kevin Smith (who is the Youth Director). Amanda is a stay-at-home mom of three children, Zaylee, Exander and Hazel. She also loves to crochet, garden, cook, and be with family and friends.
Worship Services
Sunday services: 9 am, 10:45 am
5925 County Rd 41
Farmington NY 14425
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Contact Information
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Phone: (585) 398-2626
Click Here for Office Hours info