This church is passionate about prayer. We want prayer to be embedded in everything we do.
Ever since March 2020, and throughout our time of COVID-19 restrictions, God made a way for prayer to ramp up in new ways. God hasn’t distanced himself from us, but has drawn us even closer to him through prayer.
During our worship services you can submit prayer requests that will be prayed for by our prayer team and after worship prayer ushers are available to pray with you for any of your needs.
Here are more examples of our prayer teams at work.
Prayer Usher Team
A committed small group that serves through prayer and facilitating prayer for the mission and ministry of The Church and for personal needs that are made known to us, particularly after the worship services.
FCC Prayer Chain Team
A large group of people who are committed to pray at home for requests submitted on Sundays and as needed throughout the week.
Online Prayer Encounters
A small group of prayer partners who meet online (Zoom, etc.) to focus on specific urgent needs that come to us.
Prayer Chairs
Designated individuals whose role it is to influence and encourage the central place of prayer in their ministry or administrative team.
Drive-By Prayer
These people have agreed to pray for the communities and the churches they drive by as they travel to work every day.
Worship Services
Sunday services: 9 am, 10:45 am
5925 County Rd 41
Farmington NY 14425
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Contact Information
Contact Us
Phone: (585) 398-2626
Click Here for Office Hours info